The church was built in the 17th century, and later modernised and restored in the early 20th century. The interior features a basilica floorplan with three naves divided by single-piece columns topped with Doric capitals, and a semicircular apse. It preserves several valuable works of art, such as the 17th-century wooden altarpieces, a 16th-century painting of St. Roch and St. Sebastian, a 16th-century painting ‘Supper at Emmaus’, a beautiful 15th-century polychrome wooden crucifix, a sandstone baptistery with 16th-century font, and a painting by Malatesta.

There is also a statue dedicated to St. Nicholas, the patron saint of Sestola, which stands in front of the church.

chiesa parrocchiale sestola san niccolò

The church is open daily. It also hosts classical and choral concerts.

For guided tours, please contact the parish priest.