A traditional game with very ancient origins, and a long-standing tradition in the Apennines.
The ruzzola is usually a hard wooden disc with a variable diameter depending on the rules adopted, usually 13 cm in diameter for the smaller ruzzola to much more for the larger ruzzolone. A wheel of matured cheese is sometimes used instead of the wooden disc, as it was in the past.
The game consists of wrapping a string around the ruzzola and then throwing it by holding one end of the string so as to set it spinning fast. The aim of the game is to throw the ruzzola as far as possible, with a set number of throws, or to reach a certain point with as few throws as possible.
It is often played as a team game: the players, divided into teams of equal numbers, take turns trying to throw the cheese as far as possible, without letting it stray away from the set path. Players take their turn throwing from the point where the previous teammate’s throw landed (a kind of relay race, with a wheel of cheese instead of a baton). The team that completes the course with the least number of throws wins the prize, consisting of the wheel of cheese used for the game.
Competitions take place on purpose-built tracks, called “treppi”, which are specially designed to make the game more challenging, with slopes, bends, obstacles, etc. Alternatively, the game is also played along roads (tarmacked or otherwise) which, of course, can go on for kilometres. The player at a disadvantage always throws first, and it is obligatory to follow the set path; throws that cut corners, going out of bounds, are null and void.
The “ruzzola” tracks in Lama Mocogno are located in Via Vaglio, 800 metres from the main town.
In 2009 they hosted the finals of the Ruzzola National Championship, to great acclaim.
For information: 0536 44700
The Montecreto “ruzzola” tracks are located in the hamlet of Acquaria, in the locality of “I Fogni”.
Montese Ruzzola Tracks
For information, contact amateur sports club “Lancio della Ruzzola Montese” on +39 059 971122
The tracks are located in the locality of Bago, in via Campo del Sole.